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debit cards

One of Steves' books describes European debit cards as containing a chip. US debit cards contain a strip. The question is whether the strip works in place of the chip. I've contacted my bank and they did not know if US would work in European, or specifically, French, ATMs.I attempted to call the French Travel Office in Chicago and there was no answer. Has anyone attempted to use debit cards from US banks in ATMs in France and,if so, do they work. Thanks. Ross

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Of course they work. I would say that nearly everyone who has posted more than five times has used a debit card at a local ATM with no problems in all corners of the world. It is the credit card that has some problem. The American based credit card with a mag strip will not work in many of the automated credit machines toll booths, gas stations, automated ticket machines, bike rentals but the card works fine for nearly everything else when there is a live person who will take the card run it through a credit card machine. You are having your problems find people with good answers.