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Daytrip from Madrid - to Avila and Segovia (am I crazy?)

I've budgeted a day for a side trip from Madrid near the end of our 2-week trip (starting in Lisbon, ending in Madrid) in early-mid October. Rick suggests 4 worthwhile possible destinations north of Madrid: El Escorial, Valley of the Fallen, Segovia and Avila. We won't have time for all of them. From the book descriptions, seeing each in the shows, and from my own (admiddetly vague) recollection of a trip to the area 20 years ago, I'm thinkiing that we'd most enjoy Segovia and Avila, and we'd skip El Escorial and Vally of the Fallen. First of all, anyone disagree strongly on those priorities (if so, why?)?

Assuming we do decide to go and do those two, what makes sense? Avila sounds like it's worth a brief stop for a few hours (I'm equating it with Carcasonne, which we both loved) but not much more. Segovia seems worth a day, or potentially part of a day and an evening. Would it be most efficient to drive? We will be short on time so I'm looking for the best way to get to both with minimal transport hassle or lost time, but with enough time to sample each a bit.

We could potentially rent a car in Madrid in the morning (our second-to-last day in Spain), drive to Avila in the morning, spend a couple hours there, then drive to Segovia, and drop the car there. We could spend the rest of the afternoon and sleep there in Segovia, getting up the next morning and linger for a few hours, then early in the afternoon take the train back to Madrid. Our flight out leaves around 6 pm from Madrid's airport.

Does this seem reasonable?

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1178 posts

I am visiting Madrid again in the fall. A friend there suggested a train from Madrid to Avila as opposed to driving. I traveled by bus with a group in the spring. The roads were in good shape, and appear easy to drive. I think the worst part would be getting out of Madrid in the morning. Check the train schedule if you wish. I only saw Avila from a distance in the spring and want to see what is inside the walled city!! The area is beautiful.

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6788 posts

Well, there's a fast train to Segovia, too. The challenge, I suspect, would be getting between Avila and Segovia quickly.

I'm pretty sure we'll end up renting a car in Madrid, driving to Avila and spending a few hours there, before driving to Segovia, and dropping the car there. Spend the night there in Segovia before catching the train back to Madrid the next day, then off to the airport.

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4555 posts

David....I think you're idea of renting a car to do Avila and Segovia in a day is your best option. You're right, the roads to Avila are good, and you shouldn't encounter much traffic after rush hour, which is usually a bit later than ours (til 9:30 or so)'ll mostly be heading against the flow anyway. If you can, see if you can find a rental pickup on the northwest edge of anything to avoid having to drive the ring roads and highways in Madrid proper during rush hour!

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23547 posts

We did it by bus with any overnight in Segovia. It was a great and very pleasant way to go. Not rushed at all.