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Day trip to Normandy from Paris. Need advice on best place to stay

We are visiting Paris for a few days and plan to do a day trip to Normandy. We would like to stay close to the station for that excursion. Do you leave from Gare Lazarre? I have been looking at places in 8th arrondeisment. But, how can I tell how convenient it is to the train station?

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591 posts

Yes, you leave from St Lazare station. Most hotels have a location map on their website. Hotels near the station are sort of average.
You might also look at hotels near a Metro stop with a line that goes directly to the station. Here's a metro map for reference: For a hotel near the station, Hotel Queen Mary has been recommended by some people on here.

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12040 posts

For "day trip to Normandy", what exactly do you have in mind? If by "Normandy", you mean the sites of the D-Day invasions, this is a difficult daytrip by car from Paris, and generally not feasible by public transportation. If by "Normandy", you meant the larger region and you wanted to see one of the cities... well, I'll let someone who knows more about this comment.

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591 posts

Ellwood's tours start from Sainte Mere Eglise which is in the Cotentin Peninsula of Normandy, but the town doesn't have a train station. If you want to see the D-day Beaches on a day trip then take the train to Bayeux. There are several outfits offering tours there that are a lot cheaper than Ellwood's very high price (€ 340). Better yet, spend a night there so you won't be so rushed. Hotel Churchill or the new Villa Lara are good places to stay in Bayeux. For Giverny, take the train from Gare St Lazare to Vernon, then a taxi to Monet's house.

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19 posts

Thanks for the quick response. The map and hotel list are very helpful. This will help me find lodging convenient to the train. I think we will likely do a day trip to Normandy beach area. We are possibly going to take the train to canerton, I think, and maybe go with Elwood Von seibold on DDay Battle Tours. Any more tips on lodging, travel, sights would also be appreciated. We might do a day trip to Giverny, which I think leaves from same station. Thanks again for the help.

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10555 posts

For Giverny there is a bus outside the Vernon train station that will take you to Giverny. They time the buses to meet the trains. When I arrived in Giverny I took a photo of the return bus schedule that was posted where we got off the bus so I could catch the bus that would get us back to the station in time for the train back to Paris.

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4412 posts

If you're planning on using a tour guide, book ASAP! They get booked many months in advance...and most don't offer tours during the winter months.

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19 posts

Thanks for the info. We are mostly planning a day trip because we are planning on renting an apartment for almost a week and don't want to deal with moving luggage around or paying twice for one night. We are on a budget, so I will look at these other possibilities. I would like to visit Bayeaux. We are 2 couples and Ellwood's price did not seem too high when you break it down; but, just getting started on this plan. Trip is in April. Excited because we just sent an inquiry about an apartment near Notre Dame that looks like a convenient metro ride to Gare St. Lazare.

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109 posts

We are going to Paris in September this year. We are staying at Hotel Britannia that is just outside Gare Lazare. We will be taking the 7.07 train to Carentan where Ellwood von Seibold will pick us up for his tour. He has been very kind and thoughtful during this reservation phase. I can post reviews when we return.

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19 posts

Cathy, I would love to hear about your experience. Are you also going to Bayeax?

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9436 posts

For anyone else reading this that may be going to Bayeux I recommend the wonderful Hotel d'Argouges.

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19 posts

Thank you for the hotel recommendation in Bayeoux. We are now thinking we will spend 2 nights in the area. We will take the train from London to Pais and then thinking about taking the train from Paris to near Mont St. Michael the same day. Hopefully take in Mont st Michel that evening and sleep near there. Then, maybe renting a car and going to Bayeux or Cannes for a Normandy D Day tour and spending a night there. Try to see the tapestry and enjoy the ambiance of the area, then train back to Paris.the next night. Any input would be welcome.