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Day trip from Lucerne

We are planning on a day trip from Lucerne to either Mt. Rigi or Mt. Pilatus. Recommendations, comments...??
In advance, thanks.

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852 posts

Hi Rick,
... You should have a Plan B in case of low clouds or just plain bad weather, but the steamer trip from Luzern to Vitznau and the Vitznau-Rigi Bahn to the top of Rigi mountain is one of those Plan A "experiences of a lifetime". Happy travels! P

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408 posts

I did mt. Pilatus last Oct and it was clouded over and very cold. We wanted to hike, but it was just so cold that it was hard being outside. I hear that it is beautiful when it is a clear day. I don't know if Mt. Rigi has the same problem? The golden round pass sounds great. Best of luck and I will keep my fingers crossed for a clear day for you.

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12 posts

I went up Mt. Pilatus about 5 years ago in the springtime. There was snow at the top and it was cold, but the view was magnificent. The cable card ride up to the top was like an Disney ride because of the scenery. I would highly recommend going up there for the majesty of the mountain.

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13 posts

We recently got back from Switzerland and did go up Mt. Pilatus. We're not hikers -- just wanted to see the scenery. It was a hot day in Luzern, but cool and cloudy up on Mt. Pilatus (be prepared for the drop in temperature). Other than walking around/hiking, there's not much to do. There's a very expensive/not very tasty cafeteria which was the least expensive choice. (I'm not afraid to spend money, but Switzerland was expensive!) The journey up and down was the highlight -- the scenery was spectacular! We didnt' go up Mt. Rigi.

Have fun!