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D-Day best bet from Paris

I am taking kids (16 & 11) on RS family France tour in summer and then my husband is joining us in Paris at the end of tour. He and my 16-yr son are D-Day buffs and want to go so my husband can see beaches & cemetaries. Can anyone recommend the best way for them to see things - a private guide? small bus? best way to go from Paris? They are not huge tour people! Thanks, as this is a very important part of my husband's trip to France!

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800 posts

Lisa - since your Husband is a D-Day buff he'd probably be fine with doing Rick's suggested D-Day sites (from his France book). Our family (including 2 kids 12 & 15) drove from Paris to Normandy and stayed outside Bayeux for 2 nights. We say the D-Day museum at Caen - it was great, we stayed for 4 hours and had to be kicked out. We drove the towns listed in Rick's book and saw a small museum at Utah Beach, the American & German Cemetary, Pont Duhoc, etc. Since my husband knew quite a bit about WWII he was glad to just see everything on our own. The only disappointment was the lack of information on Canadian involvement (he's from Canada). Don't know if we would have seen something more on a tour or with a private guide, but Normandy was definitely a highlight of our France Trip.

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82 posts

To clarify, My daughter and I will be staying in Paris and my son and husband are shooting to Normandy for a D-Day excursion. Would prefer to do it in one day, but can overnight if necessary. From what I have read, the trains don't get there early enough to do much good. Has anyone driven a rental car over and back in one day successfully?

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58 posts

We did a one day mini van tour-beaches-gun emplacements behind Canadian line-museum Caen. The guide drove very fast--departed 6:30am Paris and returned between 5 & 6 pm. If we did it again we would find a way to stay over. We could have spent more time in the American and Canadian cemetaries, and the museum. Try to take two visits to the museum, there is a huge amount to see and a dinning area there. I would suggest a guide on the tour vs trying to drive it yourselves; otherwise there will be a lot of time spent trying to find things, and you'll miss stuff that the guides know where to look. You might also check into a personal guide if you decide to stay over. We have found on other city tours and Flanders fields battle area, when you hire a personal guide that you can have a say in what it is your going to see.

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32256 posts


I would most definitely recommend a BattleBus Tour!!! Arrange to stay in Bayeux (which is a good choice anyway), as the tours leave at about 08:00 from a small plaza near the T.I.

The BattleBus tours are a bit "pricey" but IMHO well worth it! The Guides are incredible, and have so much knowledge of the events (especially as they've spoken with many veterans). The tours use a mini van and last about 9 hours (lunch is on your own).

I spent one day on the U.S. highlights tour and one day on the Canadian highlights tour. Both were great, but I found the battles the Canadians experienced to be especially moving (ie: the actions involving Meyer's 12th SS). The tour stops in the Abbaye d'Ardenne, which is very significant for Canadians.

There were a few "revelations" regarding the US landings in St. Mere Eglise & Major Pluskat, who was supposedly in his bunker on June 6th. The Bunker used in "The Longest Day" is at Longues sur Mer, just outside Bayeux.


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515 posts

My husband and I have reserved a couple of Battlebus Tours in June. We will take the train to Bayeux from Paris, and see Normandy with this highly recommended group. The tours leave early each morning, so at least one overnight is usually necessary. They suggest booking your tour well in advance.

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53 posts


Yes, I successfully drove it in one day. However, I don't recommend it. If your husband is interested in the Canadian sector then he should start at the Merville Battery and travel west to Utah Beach -- approx 55 miles. On the web is alot of interesting info re; the Canadian operation. Remember summer time is beach time and additional traffic. Both your husband and son will feel they missed something.



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108 posts

My husband and I were in France this past Sept. We used the services of Sue Lille whose speciality is France. She arranged everything from train tickets,accomodations, rental car, and a private guide for the D-Day beaches,etc. The private guide was worth every penny! We stayed in Bayeux. Also, I would recommend taking the train from Paris to Rouen and picking a car up there. We got our car in Paris, but it took about 4 hours from the time we arrived at the car agency until we finally drove away. Much wasted time. Don't know if our experience is the norm.
Sue's website is: She is wonderful. I have used her twice for trips to France. She also has a toll free number.

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82 posts

Thanks everyone!
I think I will send them on p.m. train to Bayeaux, stay 1 night in D'Argouges hotel and full day American Highlights Battlebus tour..then train back to Paris after tour. I think my daughter and I will splurge on a Paris cooking class while the guys are occupied with war stuff!

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9439 posts

I would recommend a minimum of 2 full days to see all there is to see. It's not just a matter of "seeing" it, but being there, absorbing it, reflecting on it all. I would definitely hire a private guide. Your son and husband will learn so much more than on a tour with others. We did the Battlebus tour and didn't like it. Too rushed and the guide was in a very bad mood. We go to Normandy every trip to France (every other year) because we love it so much. My dad, who is still alive and well, landed there on D-Day. I would also highly recommend staying in Bayeux, we love Hotel D'Argouges which is in Rick's book.

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11507 posts

Lisa I think you made a great plan, I haven't done the Battletour buses but every review I have seen on them on this and on other sites is very good!

Cordon Bleu offers one day cooking classes, look on their website.