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Cycling and train travel in Normandy

In the summer of 2009 I plan to cycle in Normandy. I will ferry from Portsmouth to LeHarve any cyle the coast to Bayeaux and Ste Mere Eglise. How are the "D" Roads?

Via train and bicycle it's on to Versaille then north to Belgium and Germany.

I know where my father's military unit was from D-Day to the end of the war.
I plan to travel by bicycle, train, ferry and stay in youth hostels when possible. I plan to spend 5-8 days in south England visiting the areas where my father's unit, 4th Cavalry Group. US Army was bivouacked in Quonset huts.

Please let me know of the "Must See Places" and good hostels. I prefer to stay in the smaller towns.

merci, Val

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Val: I don't really have any advice for you but I want to tell you that while you know where your father's military unit was from D-day to the war's end, we do not, so it is difficult to inform you of "must-see" places and hostels. If you can be more geographically specific, perhaps someone can offer you advice. In the meantime, if you google International Hostel Association, you may get some leads for the towns you know about. Good luck.