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Currywurst and Obatdza in Munich

When we were in Berlin (LOVE that city!!) two years ago, we discovered curry wurst. We didn't seek it out when we went to Munich that trip, but we will be back in Munich next month and we want my mother to taste it. I know Weisswurst is the big thing in Munich, but is there any good currywurst to be found? And where is your favorite obatdza in Munich? I could live on those two things and a pretzel for a week! :-)

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3050 posts

I've never had currywurst in Munich. It's considered a "Berlin thing" and even though it's sold everywhere in Germany, people swear it's better in Berlin and I've found this to be true. That said, I'd see if any of the stalls at the Vitualekein (I will never learn to spell that) Markt sell it, as their food tends to be good. I found the obatdza at the Augustiner to be fantastic, as was everything there. Weisswurst IS very much a Munich thing and I think it's delicious, but some people don't like it. Remember to peel off the casing!

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425 posts

We got curry wurst at the Chinesischer Turm bier garten inside the Englischer Garten. It was pretty good there.