T 20 55/38, sunny
W 21 55/38 sunny/pc
R 22 58/44 some rain/cloudy
F 23 58/44 pc/some showers
Friday April 16 - Wednesday April 21
Averaage temperatures are 54-52 day, 37-39 evenings.
Days will be partly cloudy/sunny/rainy
. . . if only you could get there.
Positive thinking...I'll get there eventually...
I'm truly looking forward to my first RS Tours, and
returning to Europe.
Good luck on your travels. I have two weeks before I leave.
Current weather: cloudy with a chance of rain and a thick coating of volcanic ash and glass... sorry, I'm a little bitter that a once in a life-time weather phenomenon occurred the day before my flight... which was canceled...
For those of you travelling to Brussels or going on RS Tour this Tuesday your weather looks nice.
Since my flight is cancelled, Please have some chocolate, beer, frites and mussels for me.
Monday 62 Partly Cloudy
Tueday 57 sunny
Wednesday 54 sunny
Thursday 53 partly cloudy