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Current situation re: train strike?

Is anyone in Paris or Provence right now? If so, what's happening with the 1-day transportation strike? I'm arriving at CDG-1 Sat. early AM and leaving just before noon on the TGV to Avignon. What's the word on the street re: any after-effects or delays by then? I've checked the TGV, International Herald Tribune, and BBC News Websites and they either say things won't be bad by then (or they say nothing). Thanks!

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445 posts

I just heard on BBC America that 1 train in 2 is running today. Feeling is that it is not as bad as the strike last October. Think optimistically!!

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506 posts

Trains in metro Paris have been nearly normal. I have taken a friend to TGV from Gare Montparnasse - a few trains were late - but overall all is well.

Strike ends tomorrow (Friday) at 8am - systems should be fine on Saturday.