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cruise tours

We are cruising from Monte Carlo to Southhampton England with stops in Palma De Mallorca, Cadiz, La Coruna and Bilbao Spain as well as Portimao, Portugal and Bordeaux, France. Any recommendations for sightseeing, tours or restaurants for lunch would be appreciated.

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11507 posts

Penny sounds like a lovely cruise, but you need to go on another forum for this, its called and it all cruising. You can look on your exact cruise line, ship and date and see if anyone else is going, sometimes its a great idea to share private tours. Also that forum will have posters who have been to those exact ports and can offer alot of info on port tours. Of course many of us folks may have been to those places, but a cruisers needs are pretty specific,, you need to know what you can fit into a 6-10 hour time frame,, whats most reliable tours and travel modes( do not want to miss the ships etc) .

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63 posts

Rick published a cruiser's guide book just last year with this information. That one was for the Med.
Coming soon will be one for Northern European ports. Robert