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Cruise ships in port - Med & spec. French Riviera?

Is there a website where I can check on which dates cruise ships are expected in ports along the Med, specifically along the Cote d'Azur and the French Riviera? I would like to avoid visiting places like Saint-Tropez on an unlucky day, when a ship is in port. Knowing when the cruise ships where expected in port was very helpful on other trips...

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12313 posts

I use They have an easily searchable listing of cruises. You can check each place by searching Med. cruises with, for example, St. Tropez, as a stop. I think you will find there are multiple cruises going constantly; on any given day there are probably five, or more, ships in any given port. I'd be surprised to find ships in port on only certain days but, since I've never tried it, who knows?

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1446 posts

Thanks Brad, I'll keep that site in mind to check better known cruise ports. As for the Med, French ports in particular, I had a good chuckle: Avignon is listed as a "cruise port", Saint-Tropez or Antibes (Azamara cruise ports) are not...

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3580 posts

Well, Avignon does have a river and a bridge--who knows?

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1446 posts

You're right Swan... Avignon can be a stop for a river cruise.