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Cordova or Toledo

We are going to Barcelona and have a few extra days for another city. We are with our 8 and 9 year olds so we have to be careful not to overdo the church and museum tours (our whole trip is 2 months including France and Italy). For a different Spain experience from Barcelona, and not another big city, would you choose Cordova or Toledo...or someplace else that I am not considering. THANKS!

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629 posts

Head south of Barcelona to the beach community of Sitges. We quite enjoyed our stay there. A nice SANDY beach for 8 and 9 year olds to play on - after all of the churches and museums. Walks along the promenade with small stores, hotels & restaurants. This would be more of a break from another big city than either Cordova or Toledo although I like both. Enjoy!!

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4535 posts

The problem is both options are so far from Barcelona. But either one would be nice. Toledo might be more boring for kids as its mostly churches and museums. But the cultural history is amazing. They would be really amazed at the Mezquita - but that's about all Cordova would interest kids.