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Cooking class in Paris

I love to take cooking classes wherever I travel and will be in Paris the first 2 weeks in June. I'd like to take a class in English (my language skills consist of a little "tourist" French), hopefully with a marketing trip included, for around $100. I signed up for a class with A World in a Pan last June but due to confusing their directions, an uncaring attitude when I explained the problem, and no refund when requested, I'd prefer to avoid them this time around. Any help appreciated!

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283 posts

There have been many posts on this topic, as well as the Graffitti wall's Food Lovers France.

However, I am a real fan of the classes at Cordon Bleu. I have taken one every year we have gone to Paris and have never been disappointed. Here is the link to the "short courses."

When you go, they serve a light breakfast--coffee, juice, croissants, etc. The class starts at 8:30 AM. At lunch, they serve a wonderful meal--courses and courses with wine. Then, if you take a cooking class, and not a deonstration, we were allowed to container up the food we cooked and take it for dinner. The full day practical course runs about 160 euros, but is a good deal when you factor in three meals.


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1358 posts

I would wait until you get to Paris and visit or phone a travel agent to ask about cooking classes. You can then avoid the problems you had last time.

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75 posts

You might want to check out this site:

The class comes highly recommended. My husband is signed up for the morning 1/2 day class when we go to Paris in 6 weeks.

Hope you find something you like.

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57 posts

My girls took a class the last time we were in Paris. It was called Promenades Gourmands. They offer full day or half day courses and they are bi lingual. You can e-mail for info to Paule Cailat who runs the school at [email protected]. We are going in July and all 6 of the family are going to attend the class. After my kids took the class we spent the next day tracking down special cook pans and chocolate to bring home.

Other than the obvious Cordon Bleu and Ritz Escoffier class I've also gotten a recommendation for Academie Cinq Sens which specializes in classes for children and adults. The rates are supposed less then the others. Contact is

Have fun!