I am trying to contact this hotel on their website. When I put in my telephone number, the forn states "this is not a number" i have tried to fill in several numbers, even using the country code. anyone have this problem? can anyone help? thanks so much!! :>
You should be dialling 011-33-1-435-492-55. If that doesn't work, go thru the operator and tell them you'e having problems.
I couldn't get it to work either. Call them, it won't cost much and somebody will undoubtedly speak English.
Excellent location, by the way. You're very discriminating.
Norm, my understanding was that it was a problem with the reservation form, not making a phone call.
Diane, Norm's dialing sequence is exactly correct.
thanks. guys.
it is the website registration form that will not accept my telephone number.
OK...I understand now. Try this...put in 001(your area code)(your phone number). Run them together without any dashes, brackets, or spaces....I just tried it and it worked for me.
Thanks, Norm!
It worked perfectly! :>