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Conneting Flights at CDG

Arriving CDG @ 11:30am on an Air France flight, on a Saturday arriving terminal 2E must make connection to another Air France flight at terminal 2F. Only 1 hour between flights. Is the Galarie (walkway) the best way to get between them and do we have to go through customs again.

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48 posts

John, I connected at CDG one month ago. I believe you will need to take a shuttle and go through security at 2F. You should be able to verify this through the Air France website link to CDG. My experience was very positive with regard to the efficiency of the shuttle system. I suspect that you will be fine -- if on time and you don't have other issues come up.

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196 posts

I ran this gauntlet on the way to Greece one time. In one side of the terminal and out the other. Security in the middle... what a pain. I thought I would miss my flight. I had a one hour layover like you but it turned out ok.... become the ugly american if you have to.... I had to get a little physical with someone on that shuttle, But we made it!

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196 posts

Additional info to my previous post:
I was taking Air France to Greece:
Los Angeles>CDG>Athens. As I recall I arrived at the terminal and had to go through a security check point which was understaffed and then had to go down to street level with the rest of the herd and got on to an overcrowed shuttle. I did not see any walkway, matter of fact it seemed like there was only one way to go and that was toward the shuttle. I remember having to push my way past a security person in order to join my wife on the shuttle. This is not my way but I wasn't about to leave my wife alone on that shuttle! The ride wasn't long but due to the security line it was a close call. Mind you this was just before 9/11 and it is quite possible things have changed (for the worse). I bolted for the other terminal and perhaps I should have taken the time to talk to the Air France people for help but for some reason there were none available on this side of the terminal. I would explain your concern to the flight attendants about making your connection. I love flying Air France and this not a slam on them at all. It's the terminal's design being two sided and only one apparent way of getting to the other side. One more note, it seems that Europe doesn't allow for that much time between flights as US companies. Perhaps delays are less common? Not sure but I've been delayed many times... perhaps just rotten luck. I'm taking another chance I'm flying through CDG to Nice in September and I have an even shorter span to get to the other side of the terminal, wish me luck!

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12040 posts

Transferring through CDG is generally more efficient than transitting out, and definately easier than Heathrow... but only one hour sounds VERY tight!