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Confused about Carte Navigo?

Does the Carte Navigo hebdomadaire (weekly) in Paris only cover from Monday-Sunday? Or is it for one week no matter when I purchase it? For example, if I arrive on Friday, should I not buy one until Monday? Thanks...

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506 posts

Only Monday through Sunday. If you want the flexibility you and you want a pass rather than a carnet (book of 10 tickets) - you will need to purchase the Paris Visite. It is a bit more expensive but allows you to purchase a few days rather than a week.

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8700 posts

While the Carte Orange loaded on a passe Navigo Decouverte won't be valid until Monday, you can purchase it on Friday-Sunday for the following week.

For a page listing all your pass and ticket choices with links to detailed explanations of each one, go here.