How would you compare Zugspitze, Hafelekar and Dachstein? They all sound beautiful but I wonder if they are very similar or not so much. Thanks
Hi Jessica, Out of the three, I've been to the Zugspitze and the Hafelakar twice. My opinion the edge would go to the Zugspitze, but not by too much. To do both, depends on how much you enjoy cable car trips and the views, but it may feel a bit redundant. Here's a few pic's from both: Paul
I've been on both in the summer and skied on both. The Zugspitze is nice and your typical high point at the top of a mountain, but the Dachstein Glacier is more impressive due to it's location with more mountain ranges around it and longer glacier run to view. The gondola ride up is also more of a nail biter to Dachstein.
Thanks for your help
I've also only been to Zugspitze (3 times) and to Hafelekar once. Personally I can also strongly recommend Mt. Säntis in Switzerland, but that's off the point. In any case, only go up if you can see the top of the mountain from the valley. Because otherwise you won't have a good view at all. If you enjoy being in the middle - or above of clouds do so on your flight over to Europe. Therefore, make the decision on the day you are in the area.