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Climbing Eiffel Tower

I have a fear of heights, but really want to go up at least to first level. Anyone with similar experience? How bad was it? Is the elevator enclosed? Or are you in a "cage" going up.

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157 posts

Depending on the degree of your fear of heights will effect your opinion of any answer of course. But if all you want to see is the first level - which is fine - you can also walk it. The staircase is "open" so you are not enclosed and have views as you proceed. If the height is too much you can always stop and turn around The stairs are caged in so you should feel safe. Believe it or not there are videos of the Eiffel Tower stairs on You Tube.

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34 posts


I too have a fear of heights. If I even stand on a ladder or chair I get

That being said I have gone up the tower on several occasions with little problem. When I am up there I just don't go very close to the edge. I stick to the interior of the tower. The elevator ride is not to bad and you can close your eyes until you stop moving. In my opinion it was much worse going to the top of Notre Dame. I would not recommend that.

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7209 posts

A fear of heights is a bummer when visiting Europe because every town seems to have a castle tower, bell tower, look out tower, or Eiffel Tower to climb :-)

Posted by
6788 posts

Not to make light of your concerns, but I'd worry more about claustrophia - I recall the elevators being packed pretty tighly (and indeed, up on the viewing areas were pretty crowded too).

One other issue to be aware of: the elevators don't go "stright up" - they follow the slight curvature of the tower, so they go up/down along a gentle but quite noticable curve, similar to a platform/funicular railway that goes up the side of a steep hill. The sensation, while not unpleasant (not to me at least) can come as a bit of a will hear several people in the elevator let out an audible "wheeee!" when it starts to move.

I generally don't have trouble with high places, but my guess is that the stairs would be OK but the elevator would be better for those skittish about heights.

Remember, there are a LOT of advice is take the elevator up, and if you're feeling adventurous, take the stairs DOWN. :)

Posted by
5678 posts

I feel a bit uneasy when I go up to high places. There are two elevators that you use to go the very top of the Eiffel Tower. The second elevator is smaller and does go straight up. When I got to the top I stayed back from the edge and was okay. It is spectacular view.

I have to also share info about the Macau Tower. I was checking into a web site on travel photography and spotted an interesting photo called Vertigo It looks amazing. I went to the Macau tower web site and read about sky walking. Talk about your "Whee's!"

Posted by
199 posts

Thank you for all the quick replys. I was looking at youtube and decided that the first level would be enough for me. I will just keep eyes shut and hold on tight in the elevator. I do get claustrophobic, but since it is a short ride, I don't think it will bothered me. Leaving the ground by machine is what really bothers me. (Ex. Plane take offs, elevators with windows or caged.) but once up, OK.

Posted by
102 posts

I agree with the claustrophobic feeling in the elevator. We went last May and walked the stairs. My son who is afraid of heights and being high in tall buildings, felt fine on the stairs and in the enclosed platform areas. The stairs are enclosed and towards the inside. Every time I saw the elevator go by, I was glad to not be in one as they were crammed full of people and it didn't look fun to me. The stairs to the first level is about 370 give or take. They are numbered. I thought I'd remember the number to each level forever, but I have now forgotten how many. On the day we were there, we took the stairs to the 2nd level and the view from the first level was a lot clearer. It is so worth it to do. Have fun.

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511 posts

Hi Kristen! I too have a bit of fear of heights, but not too bad. I had similar feelings as posted by Jackie. My wife and I walked up the stairs to the 2nd level (good workout!) and took the elevator up to the 3rd level. I didn't have any problem with the stairs, but the elevator bugged me a bit more. I would definitely do the stairs again (and probably the elevator and just deal with the anxiety), though I preferred the stairs.

Posted by
199 posts

I am afraid that I have no choice but use elevator. I have MVP and SVT and will not make it up to second level. I will pass out from irregular and rapid heart beats etc... I did think of possibly using the stairs to go to the first level, go slow and rest, but afraid of holding up the line of climbers behind me. I am only 37 (for a few more weeks), and don't want people upet for going too slow because in their opinion, I should be moving faster (If that makes sense?). Just nned to toughen up. More to worried about now. Like no screens in windows, mosquitos and nets and how to pack my protein power. Just kidding.

Posted by
511 posts

There were people of many speeds climbing the stairs and easy for people to pass as the stairs are wide enough (unlike many of the clock tower stairs we climbed!). There is room for two lanes of people (one up, one down and passing in either).

Biggest problem with the climbing was when we were going down and all these kids were racing to get down. Cutting in and out of people. Of course, you need to do what is best for your health. Hope you have a great trip! Wish we were going sometime soon! :-(

Posted by
11507 posts

I have done the stairs and the elvators.

I am also afraid of heights.

I found going UP the stairs fine, as long as I didn't stop and look down through the tower.
I found going DOWN much worse.

I found the elevators a little clastrophobic, but, I liked being in middle of crowds so I couldn't see outside, and it only takes a few moments to get up.

I liked the view from the second level and felt safe , if I got nervous it was easy to just step away from "edges".

I have been to the top , once, years and years ago. I hated it.

Posted by
157 posts

If there are medical reasons to avoid the stairs then the elevators will work fine - after all passing out on the stairs is probably not the best memory of the Eiffel Tower. But if it helps any, people do move at all speeds on the stairs - so if you are concerned about others being bothered by your slow pace - don't let it. You have as much right to be on the stairs as they do as you paid the same price! Look at this way - you are just getting more for your money by going slowly. Good luck with whichever way you decide to go up.

Posted by
2030 posts

I personally like the ET elevators, even though they are usually crowded. Just stand still, relax and focus on something pleasant. The first time they can be a bit daunting, even if you are not particularly afraid of heights. The elevators are modern & sides are enclosed by glass. The official ET website has a small picture of an elevator (practical informaton -going up) Below is link to one You Tube video of the elevator ride, there are many. I think the elevators are really a marvel and much better than climbing the stairs. It's true as posted above, if you have fear of heights do not look down through the stairs either going up or coming down (definitely worse) -- you will not find it pleasant. Have to face the fact that the Eiffel Tower is high! The platforms are solid though and you feel secure on them.

Posted by
11507 posts

Kevin brought up a good point, you do not need to rush up the stairs, you can go at own pace. Stairs are wide enogh for peple to pass you, and there are landings every som many steps. I am NOT super fit person and I managed them, I do not go to the gym or jog, but I do enjoy long walks. So if you decide to try stairs you should be ok if you have no particular issue with health.

Posted by
31 posts

I too have a fear of heights. On my most recent visit to Paris, I actually made it to the third level of the Eiffel Tower! My intention was to go just to the second level, but was talked into going to the third level by my two kids and husband. Here's what I did. First, we climbed the steps up to the second level. I have taken the elevator in the past, but I like climbing better. They really pack people in on the elevators, which I also don't like, so climbing is much more pleasant. And, it feels much safer.

To get to the third level, the only option is the elevator. I was terrified, but I got on the elevator and just closed my eyes. I was surprised at how easy it was! It was a windy day and I feared that we would feel some of that wind. But, we didn't. It was just like a normal elevator. On the way down, I even kept my eyes open for part of the time.

The view from the second level is worth the extra effort, whichever method you choose-- really!