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Class of Travel on Trains in Spain?

Are "Preferente" and "Turista" the equivalent of 1st and 2d class tickets on AVE trains in Spain?

If so, is there any significant benefit to "Preferente", or is tourist-class just fine on these AVE trains? (To help you answer, I'll say we travel 2d class on Swiss trains, and 1st class in Italy on the ES trains).

Also, is the Dorado Card (for persons over 60, providing significant discounts) available to Americans, or only to EU or Spanish citizens? Can it only be purchased in Spain?

And now the open-ended question: anything else a newbie to train travel in Spain should know? That is, is there anything significantly different from travel in Italy or Switzerland, with which we are familiar?

And yes, your answer can start, "The trains in Spain are mainly . . ." Thanks.

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446 posts

The RENFE website just says that you can get the Tarjeta Dorada at train stations and other sales locations, and at travel agencies, for 5,05 EUR and that it is for persons 60 or over. It also says that some bank's credit and debit cards have it as a benefit.

Based on this description, I think it's reasonable to assume that tourists can get it. But, you never know. You could call or email RENFE about this.

La Tarjeta Dorada, con una validez anual, se puede adquirir en estaciones Renfe, Oficinas de Ventas y Agencias de Viajes por 5,05 Euros. También existe la posibilidad de adquirir la Tarjeta Dorada asociada a tarjetas de crédito y débito, emitidas por algunas entidades bancarias.

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474 posts

Hi Lola

I just returned from Spain and traveled on the AVE from Barcelona to Madrid and from Sevilla to Madrid. We traveled in Turista (2nd class) and it was a very comfortable two hours on both trips. The train from Sevilla also had a movie playing. Lots of room to get up and walk around. Also, we took a picnic lunch and it was very enjoyable. Bought my tickets on RENFE site about 60 days out and got a great web fare that was over half off what people were getting when they waited about bought their tickets a few days out.

Hope this helps.

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17238 posts

That is very helpful---thanks!

I am starting early to plan for our trip next April/May and made my first visit to the RENFE website today. I saw those advance fares on some AVE trains----looks like a great deal. I assume the Web fares cannot be combines with a Tarjeta Dorado discount, so I suppose the question about buying that card ahead of time is academic.

Posted by
4555 posts'e discount or the other, not both. If you can commit to firm travel dates, the "Web" specials, at 60% off, are a better deal than the "golden card" discounts.

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17238 posts

Thanks, Norm, that's what I thought. Yes, I can commit to travel dates in advance, as that is our style of travel---I book all the hotels well in advance and then choose the trains.

It looks like one need not be exactly punctual on the 62 days in advance to get the discounts----I saw them still available for the random date in September I plugged in to just practice with the RENFE website. Or maybe spring travel is busier?

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4555 posts

Depends when you're travelling, and what routes. Weekends and holidays are, of course, the busiest, and Spain seems to have a lot of holidays! ;) But if it's a frequent route, like Madrid-Barcelona or Madrid-Sevilla, no, you don't have to jump on it right away...just don't wait too long.

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4555 posts

BTW, as Leslie said, turista class is fine...lots of leg room. Don't waste your money on preferente or club tickets.

Posted by
17238 posts

Thanks for you help. Now we just have to figure out our itinerary!

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23562 posts

The senior card available to anyone over 60, including American tourist, gives a 40% discount for weekday and 25% for weekend. Card is 5E and good for a year. Purchase at any ticket office Seniors in Spain get a discount admission for nearly everything which is different from other countries in Europe where the senior discount is only available to EU seniors. 2nd class on Spanish trains is more than adequate.

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17238 posts

Since someone topped this a few days ago (that post has been removed), I'll report on how the train travel went. We bought our tickets in advance on Renfe to get the 60% Web discount (where available). We traveled turista class on all trains but one, where we could get the Web discount only in Preferente and those tickets were less expensive than Turista. Turista class was every bit as comfortable as Preferente, and we never had an opportunity to use the lounges that apparently come with a Preferente ticket. The meal was mediocre (a small tuna sandwich). So overall there was no benefit we could find from the Preferente class. Spanish trains are great. We were very impressed with the whole system, but especially the high-speed AVE trains, which reached speeds of 300 kph.