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Christmas in Paris

As a single woman travelling in Paris during Christmas will I find it difficult to find nice restaurants open and activites to do on Christmas day?

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524 posts

Joanna See my reply to Mary in a recent post. The issue is not whether you are a single woman (at least I don't think it is). The problem is finding someplace open for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Bobbie

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6 posts

Maybe I can join the family of 8 for dinner! (just kidding) What about music, concerts, etc.? Is just about everything closed on Christmas Eve in regards to some type of entertainment?

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10527 posts

You would need to have someone check the different concert halls and theaters. There could be some. Mass is at midnight (but the population that attends services is very low) and families begin their meals late in the evening on the 24th or just after midnight mass (which is broadcast on tv). The next big meal starts again the next afternoon. This is a holiday with large groups of family and friends around the table for hours and hours. Just an idea: if you were to contact Paris Greeters, which people have praised on this website, or some of the ex-pat websites, maybe you could find a group to join.

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6 posts

Thank you so much, I have contacted the site and let all know how it went. Happy Holidays!