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Christmas dinner

We are a family of 7 renting a house in Normandy, not far from ST. MALO over Christmas. Any suggestions for where we could have Christmas dinner in that area?

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11507 posts

Honestly I would imagine most places are closed. You might try a hotel dining room( google hotels in St Malo and then start trying to contact them, only a few of the more expensive hotels will even have a restaurant as many just have " breakfast rooms" , but don't give up looking, , but, good luck with that. I think you may have to cook!! LOL

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852 posts


... Christmas is a special time for everyone, of course. Even inns some years take that day off. You might check out this inn in Evran ... but DO contact time well ahead of time about Christmas dinner ...

bon voyage ! ..... P.

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251 posts

I think your only choice will be to cook something. St. Malo, which is strictly a tourist town, sort of shuts down after the summer, and especially during the holidays.

Rennes, Rennes, Rennes. I tout it all the time. No the city isn't that great, but the Saturday market, Place de Lice is wonderful. It will put you in the mood to cook, not to mention it is a bigger town all dressed up for the holidays, with people out and about shopping.

The Saturday market is full of oysters, and seafood, so so fresh, oranges, prunes, charcuterie, good bread and cheese. very festive.

There is a train directly from St. Malo to Rennes.

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100 posts

I know that vacations are about relaxation. But since you are renting a house why not cook something?? Shop at the local stores ahead of time and have xmas with the six others in your group. It may be fun. -Kim

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448 posts

Yes, i think you'll be having Christmas "at home" and take advantage of the markets for oysters and foie gras...that's what many French will be eating...and the bread and cheese and pastries that you can't find in the USA.
Plus, no big deal, but if you're not far from St.Malo you're in Brittany/Bretagne...not Normanday. People are quite proud of their regions.

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448 posts

I agree with the Rennes is one of the biggest and best in the area...excellent choices for everything...Our family recently went there to buy the ingredients for a huge meal of "fruits de mer"...slightly inland, but great seafood.
Last resort if you don't want to cook...those spit-roasted rotisserie chickens are quite good. At home we call them "cheater chickens"...........

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2 posts

Our house is southeast of St. Malo, across the border and definitely in Normandy. I have been researching several hotels and restaurants in the area and have discovered quite a few that do a very nice dinner for Christmas Eve, so I think that we will celebrate then, and I will do a brunch for Christmas Day. Thank you all for your responses.