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Christmas break in Germany

We will be in Germany for 2 weeks around Christmas and New Years (with 2 grown boys). Any advice on where to go around New Year's? Also, we'd like to do some hiking if possible, perhaps in the Munich or Zurich areas - still undecide. Any recommended winter activities would be appreciated!

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2779 posts

Please specify: Where in Germany are you going to stay?? If I lived in Irvine, CA I wouldn't want to drive all the way to the Bay Area just for a fireworks. However, if that firework was down in San Diego I might consider going... New Years eve in Germany is all about fireworks.

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3 posts

We will be spending some time in the Bodensee area (at Christmas), as well as some time in Bavaria (a few days after Christmas). We've been there several times during the summer, but never in winter. So, I'm trying to find some different outdoor winter activities (not necessarily skiing). We have a car and do not have a set itinerary yet. Not sure where to spend New Year's.