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Cheap travel to Berlin in September

I am looking for an economical way to travel to Berlin in late September. Besides monitoring prices for flights to Berlin, are there suggestions for cheaper European cities to fly to and then taking a train to Berlin. I will be traveling from Atlanta, GA.

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I would check for reasonable flights to Paris, Amsterdam, Munich - maybe Brussels and Luxembourg and then check for low cost AirBerlin flights from those cities to Berlin Tegel, one of AirBerlin's hubs. Inter Europe, AirBerlin was relatively inexpensive. However, it took several tries and a couple of days before they accepted my credit card. I flew from CDG in Paris to Germany, so I didn't have to deal with an out of the way airport. At the time, they only had one flight a day from Paris and it was late evening - not terribly convenient if you arrive in the morning from the states.