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Cellphone plan/Sim card in Netherlands

My son is studying abroad in Maastricht, Netherlands and it's difficult to figure out which company offers the best rates per minute for using a cellphone there. He has a phone that he unlocked and can be used globally, he just needs to get a sim card. No contracts, just prepaid sim card will work. Preferably he'd like one with free incoming calls and decent rates for local calls. Calling home in the US will be rare since we skype! Does anyone know which company has the best rates for local calls? Thanks.

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32325 posts

Gale, you might want to delete this as it's a duplicate of your other Post in the "General Europe" section.

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32325 posts

Gale, the duplicate post is certainly "OK" with me. Did you get the Cell phone situation sorted for your Son?

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31 posts

Hi Ken, Yes I know I duplicated the post. I wasn't sure I put it in the right spot or which would produce replies. Since my son is in Europe now and ready to use a cell phone I just wanted to get full exposure on my question! Hope that's okay.....

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31 posts

checking into it still. One company mentioned a per minute rate plus a tariff - I guess per call fee in addition to minutes used.