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Cell phones in Spain

What is everyone using in the way of cell phones in Europe nowadays? I have my own motorola C117 cellphone with a UK number that I have used on previous trips. It is about 10 yrs old. Are there any new gadgets out there or should I stick with this?

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9371 posts

I put my Mobal SIM card into an unlocked GSM phone that holds two SIMs. In the other slot I put a local SIM card (Orange). My actual Mobal phone died of old age. I don't use the Mobal SIM anymore except as an emergency contact number (since it is permanent). A local SIM is a lot cheaper, but your phone number changes every time you change SIMs.

Posted by
26 posts

Forgot to add that the phone is from Mobal.

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9110 posts

It'll work fine, but the cost per minute is now about a buck fifty.

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11294 posts

If you are planning to make just a few calls, or have it just for emergencies, your Mobal phone is fine. If you are making lots of calls, Mobal will be much more expensive than getting a local SIM. If your phone is unlocked, you just need to buy the SIM; if it is not, you would either get it unlocked, or buy a new phone with SIM. For details of Spanish cell phone plans, see PrePaid GSM dot net. Their Spain Forum is a great place to get more specific questions answered (beware they can get very technical, so don't be afraid to ask for clarification). Just for comparison to Mobal, I looked at Lebara (I'm not sure they're the cheapest, but they have good rates in other countries I've looked at). For Spain (sorry the formatting isn't perfect, but it should be readable): Within Spain: Connection Charge 0,29€ Other Spain Mobile 0,09€ /min Lebara to Lebara call 0€ (with some limits) Calls to Spain Landline 0,09€ /min Spain Text Messages 0,12€ Lebara to Lebara SMS 0,12€ To the US: 0,29€ Connection Charge 0,07€ /min
0,19€ SMS You see that it's even cheaper to call the US than Spain with this plan, and that it's MUCH lower than Mobal's rates. The SIM is free, but of course if you have to pay to get your phone unlocked, or buy a new phone, you have to factor in that cost.

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12315 posts

A local SIM is the best way to go when you visit a single country. If your phone doesn't work, you can pick something up cheap. I found two different companies selling cheap options, 25 Euros for phone and SIM with ten euro call credit.

Posted by
32402 posts

Debbie, If the phone you have is working well and serves your needs, then you could continue using that regardless of the other "gadgets" that are being used in Europe these days. However, as Harold mentioned using Mobal for a lot of calls probably won't be the cheapest option. Are you using the same phone at home (with a different SIM)? If you have a Smartphone, you may be able to travel with it but would have to be VERY careful to avoid HUGE data roaming bills. Happy travels!