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cell phones in Paris

In all my reading about visiting Paris, it says to purchase a disposable phone over there. Does anyone know why my cell phone would not work in France? I used it to call France and it just seemed logical that it would work in reverse. Any thoughts and/or explanations?

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10344 posts

Cathie: The assumption you stated may not be correct. Easiest thing to do is to call your provider and ask them if your phone will work in France and also if your current calling plan will cover you. This subject has been discussed in several different Helpline topics in the last few weeks. Bottom line is that there are technical reasons why US cell phones may or may not work in Europe. Ask your provider. Even if it will work over there, you will want to have a calling plan that will work over there and at a cost that makes sense for you.

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32318 posts

Cathie, although I can understand the logic behind your assumption, as the previous Post indicated there are definite technical reasons that MAY prevent your phone from working in Europe.

It would help to know which provider you're with and if AT&T or T-Mobile, which handset you're using? If your provider is Verizon or Sprint, your phone will almost certainly NOT work in Europe. The reason for this is that Europe (and most of the rest of the world) uses GSM technology for cell phones, while Verizon & Sprint (among others) use a different technology called CDMA. The two are not compatible.

There are other options besides purchasing a "disposable phone" (ie: renting, buying an unlocked GSM handset off E-Bay, etc.). When I know what type of phone you're using, it will be easier to make suggestions.

The network provider I'm with also uses GSM technology, so I just use "roaming" when I'm travelling in Europe. So far it's worked well!


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22 posts

I'm on Sprint, so will have to plan an alternative. I was able to find one of the discussions on cell phones and saw several good ideas. Thanks guys for the help...amazing how many things there are to think about before going over.
Many thanks,

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32318 posts


thanks for the update on your phone provider. As already mentioned, Sprint phones won't work in Europe.

HOWEVER, some of the CDMA providers are now offering "dual technology" Phones that will also work in Europe. These operate on the CDMA network in North America and also the two Euro GSM bands. You would have to upgrade to one of these handsets, rather than using your existing phone.

I know that Verizon has these, so you might check with Sprint. Two models that have this capability are the Motorola A840 and the Blackberry 8830. I don't know how well these work, as I've never had the occasion to try them?

Good luck getting this sorted!

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5 posts

Check out global phone or for good info on calling in France