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cell phone vs. phone cards in Switzerland.

I would love to have some feedback from anyone out there about the availability of public-phones for using phone cards and the alternative of a cell phone. I really don't need to be "connected" every minute of a trip my 18 year old daughter and I are making to Switzerland beginning next Monday and ending July 8th. We will split our time between cities and country side. Any views about this subject. Thank-you in advance.

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Joe, i prefer the cell over the card for 2 reasons:

1) I have a # for someone to reach me back home (in case of family emergency)

2) When making any kind of reservations (hotel, restaurant, tour) I have a personal # to give out.

A phone card is good if you are making the calls, but no one can reach you.

A cell phone in Europe is practical and inepensive, and you can control the cost based on the minutes you add. Also a bonus is not having to "look" for a phone.