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Catholic mass in Spain

To all of you who have attended Catholic masses in Spain, where would you reccomend is a good place to attend a Catholic mass? I try to go to church every weekend, even on vacation. I understand enough Spanish to read along so masses in Spanish will work for me.

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160 posts

Well, last year I walked the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail through northern Spain (the Camino Frances route). I attended a couple of pilgrim masses along the 500-mile route, in both big and small churches.

I'm not Catholic, so I'm not sure what you are looking for in a mass. In the small towns, mass was attended mainly by older women. The bigger cathedrals were a bit more exciting and better attended, especially in Santiago de Compostela. The church at Roncesvalles was packed, since that is usually the first day's stop for many pilgrims. The huge cathedrals in Burgos and Leon are pretty amazing to simply visit. And in Rabanal, I was able to participate in a mass, since I did a two-day retreat at a Benedictine monastery.

Anyway, hope that helps - take care!

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57 posts

Thanks for the response! I appreciate the info very much. I like more traditional masses but I would like to see how it is done in Spain. I was thinking about trying to get to the Cathedral in Toledo for Sunday morning mass. That's one weekend I'm there, where should I go for the next one?