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Carte Orange Metro Pass

Can you still buy the weekly Carte Orange or equivalent in Paris? Maybe it has a new name. I know I need a picture and that the metro attendants try to get you to buy something else. Any information will be apprecialted

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58 posts

I have found the Carte Orange not to be worth it. If you have not been to Paris before (or even if you have), you will so enjoy walking the streets. That's where you will discover special little places that you would miss if you are always traveling on the metro. I usually buy a carnet of tickets which can be shared and save my metro traveling for the end of the day when I am tired and want to get back to my hotel. With the Carte Orange you almost feel like you HAVE to take the metro to get your money's worth and that is a horrible reason not to see the "city of lights".

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58 posts

I have found the Carte Orange not to be worth it. If you have not been to Paris before (or even if you have), you will so enjoy walking the streets. That's where you will discover special little places that you would miss if you are always traveling on the metro. I usually buy a carnet of tickets which can be shared and save my metro traveling for the end of the day when I am tired and want to get back to my hotel. With the Carte Orange you almost feel like you HAVE to take the metro to get your money's worth and that is a horrible reason not to see the "city of lights".

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83 posts

I'm not sure if the carte orange is still being sold; they have been phasing it out in favor of the Navigo card. I disagree about the usefulness of the card; you can use it on the bus system and see the city that way, hopping on and off as you like. And you can't usually get too lost, because there are numerous metro stations all over the city.

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8700 posts

Each month fewer stations carry the old Carte Orange. For information on the passe Navigo Decouverte card on which you can load a Carte Orange, go here.