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Car travel from Normandy to Spain

we have a 2 week period in early June to drive from Normandy to Spain and return to Paris for flight home. Our main Spain destination is Madrid. We're in our late 50s to early 60s and not so much about the nightlife. Any driving route suggestions including places we might stay along the way where parking a car would not be a problem? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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9110 posts

Narrow it down just a little bit. Interests, etc, would be helpful, as well as how long you have for the enroute portions of the trip. The direct route will take you a couple of days each way (eight hours per day with lunch and gas stops); but to hit the intersting spots, you'd probably have to deviate a bit and spend four days each way. The Caen/Bayeux to Bordeaux segment southbound on the freeways will tend to put you to sleep, just not much along there that interests most people. Parking won't be a problem - - even in the cities there will be garages if the hotel doesn't have a spot or if you're uncomfortable (I'm not) with on-street parking.

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2 posts

Thank you Ed for reply. We will have already spent several days in Paris and Normandy and be ready for a road trip. We are interested in the wine areas so some time in the Bourdeux area of France and Rioja area of Spain are on our list before visiting friends in Madrid for a few days. We had talked about leaving Madrid and returning to Paris via Barcelona area but we're not sure if that is too ambitious. We'd like to travel a different route back to Paris in any event. We appreciate suggestions. Thank you!