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Car rental in Spain: Best companies?


We will be driving from Barcelona to San Sabastien and back. (2 one way trips).

Europcar and AutoEurope seem like the best deals and friendliest websites.

Does anyone have experience with these companies? Any other good experiences?

Any/all tips are appreciated.


Rog Smith

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4555 posts

I consistently get the best rates from the others, a broker....but they seem to get better prices, and they spell out EVERYTHING that's covered....and not.

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1358 posts

The agency with the best rate today may not be the one with the best rate next month.

You should shop the agencies for best competitive rate on the day you choose. Some travelers check daily or weekly until they are satisfied they have the best rate.

Over the past 20 years I have used, and at various times. I would never rent a car without researching at least 10 agencies. Depends on how much time you want to devote to it.

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