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Car Rental in Spain&#59; do they discriminate against Americans?

How is it that car rental companies can charge higher rates for U.S. citizens than others, eg. French citizens. At I compared same cars, same dates, etc., only changing country of origin. Results 2-day rental: French = 89 eur. inclusive, Spain= 206 eur. inclusive, USA = 270.93 BASIC. How can I avoid this rip-off?

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355 posts

You might want to look at Auto Europe. I have used them for a number of years and feel like I always got a good deal. They have offices in many cities in Spain.

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10245 posts

Very interesting. Could you post the results using Autoeurope.

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355 posts

The price changes somewhat depending on when you want to rent. Renting for two days is also almost as expensive as renting for a week - so your rates for two days is high.
In October - just under $200. In August - around $240. In October renting for a week - picking up and dropping off in Sevilla is about $240.

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4535 posts

One difference is that France is part of the EU with Spain and the US is not. They may have deals or discounts for EU residents. If you don't like one company's rates, try others.

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23343 posts

It is not discrimination. Companies are free to change anything they want as long as does not violate LOCAL laws. After all, Rail Europe routinely charges higher prices to North Americans. It is difficult for Am under 25 to rent cars in the US. You avoid the "rip-off" by renting somewhere else. And there could be higher costs related to renting to US citizens. Did you try a Canadian location? Notice that some Americans are quick to declare a rip-off on anything they don't like.

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931 posts

Dan, I ran into this, and would like to point something out: read the fine print! First, I hope you have factored the quotes that you received in euros to dollars. I just rented a car for our trip in Spain from AutoEurope UK or EU, what ever you want to call it. I noticed that it was much cheaper than renting from our "good ole standby"; Auto (US). But once I added up the fees that I was charged, there were no savings. Yes , the quote from AE.UK was all-inclusive (except it DID NOT cover glass and tires), and the quotes that that I got from (US) was also "basic"......but.....I got hit with two "zingers" when I got there: 1. We had to pay an "up-front" fee of $100EU to "fill the tank up now and bring it back empty". I don't care who you are, you are not going to bring the car back "empty"; so we lost out there. $100 is excessive: we almost ran the car our of gas; it only cost $70 to fill it. 2. We were charged a EU $35 "drop-off" fee. I have never been charged a drop off fee in the EU previously. Yes, I know that your quotes have huge discrepencies, but please compare them with all of the charges,fees, insurance coverage, etc.