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Car rental in Avignon or Orange?

We will be traveling by train from Paris to Orange via Avignon. Does it make more sense to rent a car in Avignon and drive to Orange, or continue by rail to Orange and rent a car there? We'll then drive to and sleep in Vaison la Romaine for 2 nights and eventually drop the car off in Nice several days later. It's our first trip to France. Thank you!

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32813 posts

The station at Orange is quite small and somewhat remote from the action. As Bets said you will likely have a better choice at Avignon. The two are quite close by car. If you are not going to Orange for the Roman sites there is not a lot more there.

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931 posts

We used Autoeurope, rented our car here, and picked it up just outside the Avignon rail station. There was a great choice of cars and prices in Avignon.

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1021 posts

I recommend you pick up the car at Avignon, then drive to Vaison which will be quicker for you. You could go via Chateauneuf-du-Pape if you want to see the famous wine area on your way.