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Calling to confirm

I have made reservations for most of our stops in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Finland. I have the copies of the confirmations in duplicate. Do I still need to confirm again?

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934 posts

I dont think you have to confirm but since it takes only minutes to do why not.

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712 posts

Just to be on the safe side last September, I emailed the all the places we were staying to confirm. Everyone emailed me back that they had our rooms reserved for us. I don't know if it was necessary, but I had read on this site before we left that some people arrived at their hotel and the hotel did not have their reservations.

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9369 posts

It sounds to me like you should be fine, Nancy, if the confirmations you have are relatively recent. I once ran into a problem (even with printed confirmation in hand) because we had booked so many months in advance (in fall 2000 for a trip in spring 2001), and the small B&B had lost track of the booking over the turn of the year. But that was an isolated incident. You're probably safe with what you've got.

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852 posts

Hi Nancy,
... all my life I've been plagued by misunderstandings regarding my name. Even after I have confirmed a hotel reservation, there have been instances where the person at the desk could find nothing in their file with my name on it... You do all you can do and hope for the best. It doesn't cost much to confirm - and it sometimes lets you sleep better. bon voyage! P

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655 posts

Nancy...In the past we always used to confirm just before departing. For our recent trips, we have omitted that step without problems. We just take copies of our emails which have been useful. We haven't ever lost a room but we have run into confusion over the price quoted. We just returned from Spain which included twelve accomodations. Two of them required prompting regarding the rate previously quoted so the copies paid off.

Posted by
800 posts

Nancy - since I make my reservations very early on I do confirm (via email) all my rooms once more before my trip. I also take the email copies with me but I don't think that is overkill since it has the address, phone #, etc. I've never had a problem but truth is I am so excited to go that I think I do it more to say "see you soon" than because I think there will be a problem!

Posted by
203 posts

The question is, "how well do you deal with snafus?" 99% of the time you don't have to confirm. If I were just traveling with my husband, I wouldn't bother. However, last summer when traveling with my elderly parents, two out of five reservations fell through. The Best Western in Karlovy Vary had closed, and the Goldener Baer in Vienna didn't have a record of us--yes, I had the e-mail confirmation in my hand, but that didn't make a room appear. There were some very tense moments for me while I was trying to appear cool and collected in front of my parents. So if I were traveling with elderly parents or small children, I would confirm.