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Cafe on Rue Git-le-Coeur, Paris

There is (or perhaps was)a cafe on Rue Git-le-Coeur that employes a blind waiter named Joseph. Our experience there was very unique. The food was just Okay, but the experience was incredible. Does anyone know the name of this cafe and does it still exist?

A brief explanation: When last in Paris: May of 2001, My wife and I stumbled onto this place walking down Rue Git-le-Coeur. We heard people laughing loudly as we passed by this small café. We entered and found the café packed. The waiter seemed to be ignoring us so we decided to leave but the patrons at the café were waving us to stay… Next thing we knew someone told the waiter that two people (my wife and I) had just walked in. The waiter turned around and introduced himself as Joseph, the blind waiter, and he was. By touching the corners of the tables he escorted us to our table were we sat with a wonderful couple from Krakow. Poland. During the evening our waiter interviewed all of his guests and then selected the items from the menu he thought the patron would most likely appreciate. Then he delivered a plate of Pringles to the table. Interesting, to say the least, Joseph entertained the crowed by telling stories half in French and half in English and he told them splendidly. Before leaving we had a chance to visit with many of the other couples at this café. Most of them, like the people from Krakow had been there before, many forgetting the name of the restaurant or the street or both, but had eventually found their way to this little gem in St Michel area of the left bank.

I am searching to find this café, again. What is it's name and does it still exist?

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852 posts

Hi Lawrence,
.. We've never heard of the place, but perhaps you should ask Tom [who lives in Paris]. Use the above link to get to the web site, Tom's Guide to Paris. There, you will find an icon CONTACT ME. Click on 'contact me' and send your question to Tom by email, we recommend ... bon appétit... P

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1455 posts

Wow, fantastic. I hope you do find out if its still there.