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Bus or Train from Sevilla to Granada

Am planning a trip to Granada and Cordoba from Sevilla. Which would be the best way to travel if I am making a loop sevilla to granada, granada to cordoba, and back to sevilla. Also have been trying to find out about how to get to Ronda from Sevilla...bus or train? Can you buy bus tickets online or do you have to wait until you get there?

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Both will work. The bus system in Spain is excellent and cheap. No need to buy tickets ahead of time. All the same price. Over New Years we Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, and Malaga. We used trains simply because of the comfort -- restroom, more roomy seat, etc. We did take the bus from Granada to Malaga. The AVE trains are fast and convenient and more expensive. The train between Granada and Seville is a regional train and slightly faster than the bus.