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Burial site of Marie Antoinette

I have two different answers as to where the burial site is for Marie Antoinette and I hope someone out there knows where that site is. We are leaving for France next week and would really appreciate an answer on this. Thanks.

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10344 posts

Hey, a history question, for a change!

You didn't disclose your information re the two possibilities your research has suggested. So I'll go first here.

The actual location of her remains appears to be a gray area historically. There are funeral monuments of Marie-Antoinette and her husband at the Basilica of St Denis; and some believe that their remains did, in fact, end up there.

However, it gets complicated, because after the execution her body was thrown into an unidentified grave in the cemetery of the Madeleine Church (in Paris). Quicklime was used on her remains, and when the cemetery was closed and bodies removed for reburial elsewhere, a search at that time apparently failed to identify her remains, presumably because of the quicklime. The details get grisly here and for that reason I've omitted some of them. Suffice it to say that what was believed, possibly, to be what was left of her remains, and those of her husband, were removed and received a Christian burial at the French Royal necropolis at the Basilica of St Denis. However, subsequently even those burials were "disturbed," with later attempts to "put things back."

And so, I think the consensus of historians is that, at this time, it cannot be said that the location of her remains is known with certainty.

For someone who wants to pay respects to the remains and/or persons, it may be most satisfying to go to the Basilica of St Denis and view the funeral monuments, with the thought that somehow what was left of her mortal remains ended up there.

Obviously I'm not a professional historian nor have I made an independent investigation--just passing on what I've read.

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83 posts

Another place to pay hommage to her and Louis XVI is the Expiatory Chapel in Paris on the Square Louis XVI. I'm not sure about this, but I think this may have been the site of the Madeleine cemetery. At any rate, it's worth a visit if you're in the neighborhood--near Gare Saint Lazare. 29 rue Pasquier.

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2193 posts

Some have suggested her remains to be unidentified in the catacombs. Although apparently unmarked, Robespierre’s detached head and body were accidentally moved there at some point.

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7 posts

Dear Kent, Terry, Gary, Steve and Michael:

Thanks for your information. It will be put to good use.
