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Burgundy wine tours with little ones

Anyone have any experience doing wine tours in Burgundy with young children?

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Yep. Took our 4yo and almost 1yo driving around Burgundy for a week. If possible, put the little ones in a backpack carrier to walk around the towns and go in and out of stores, most cobblestone streets and store entry ways aren't very stroller friendly. If you do take a stroller, you have someplace to put the wine you buy while going in and out of stores! If you go during summer, there's plenty of cafes to sit at for lunch with outside tables so the little ones can run around and play while you eat. If they're 3ish or older they can carry a small backpack with a stuffed animal, paper books, hotwheels car, etc.. That way when they're bored they can sit down in the middle of the store, break out a book and be entertained while you are wine tasting. Make sure you hit the co-op stores, too. They have wine made from the smaller wineries and wines using multiple farmers' grapes. We like the Macon Villages especially.