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Burg Eltz Castle - Germany

FYI to all traveleres going to Germany within the next year or so.... Burg Eltz castle is covered in scaffolding. We were just there a few days ago and we had no idea. It was almost completely covered. Such a bummer.
They told us they do this restoration every 150 years and we happened to be there during this restoration which only takes about a year. So go check out all the other Mosel Valley castles, especially the one in Cochem. Hope this helps. Cheers!

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19158 posts

Reichsburg, the castle in Cochem, is not authentic. There was a castle there, but it was destroyed by French troops in about 1800. It was rebuilt in the late 1800, but not as a castle, as a home for a wealthy Berlin businessman. If you want to see a castle that is really what castles were, go to the Marksburg, in Braubach on the Rhein, just above Koblenz. It's the only castle on the Rhein that was never destroyed and has been maintained for centuries in it's original condition by the German Castle Association.

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32253 posts

Kevin, Burg Eltz was about half covered in scaffolding when I was there last year, but I didn't feel that was a problem. I still found the tour of the Castle to be very interesting, and quite enjoyed my day there (especially after a couple of "cool ones" in the restaurant). Cheers!

Posted by
33183 posts

This goes to show how hard it is for newcomers to the site to find discussions more than a few days old. The scaffolding was discussed quite extensively a month or two ago, and if Kevin had seen it prior to his journey he would have been warned.

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19158 posts

"This goes to show how hard it is for newcomers to the site to find discussions more than a few days old." I don't think the proliferation of repeatedly asked questions has anything to do with difficulty to find discussions more than a few days old. No matter how easy you might make it, people are lazy and won't take the time to look. A lot of the commonly asked questions are covered in "Planning your trip, above". But they don't bother to read it, they just asks the same question. Right now this thread is displayed under "Answers to frequently asked questions". I've thought sometimes that there should be a list of frequently asked questions (there is) and everybody should have to read them before being allowed to post (they don't), but how can you enforce it. Maybe require a written test before being allowed to post?

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10344 posts

A written test! Yes! Why didn't we think of that before now?!

Posted by
7527 posts

We were at Burg Eltz last month, and I was relieved that all of the interior scaffolding visible in photos at the site had been removed. There was no visible construction during the interior tour. So having half the castle in scaffolding was only a minor disappointment. Count your blessings.