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We are arriving on the eurostar from London on Saturday morning and have to leave Brussels on Sunday to get to Amiens by Sunday evening. Any suggestion on what to see and do that weekend

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837 posts

Mary, Bruges is wonderful, but given the limited time, I would stay in Brussels. The town square and old Brussels is very nice and will easily fill 1 to 1 1/2 days. If you go to Bruges, you will also have your time cut by round trip train time, at least 3-4 hours round trip as I recall.

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108 posts

Yes, there is plenty to be seen in Brussels: la Grand Place (known as one of the most beautiful in Europe), the town hall, go and see the Theatre de la Monnaie, the architecture is great, the Royal greenhouses (les Serres Royales), the Palace, and the old city center with the small streets. The atmosphere there is unique.

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4684 posts

Brussels is a fantastic city if you like twentieth-century art. The National Modern Art Museum has just opened a new set of galleries covering Magritte and his contemporaries, and if you like art nouveau I would hugely recommend the Victor Horta museum and a walk around Square Marie-Louise.

Don'ts: the Atomium is worth seeing but not paying to enter, and do not eat anywhere in the rue des Bouchers except Aux Armes de Bruxelles.