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Brugge- Worth the Travel Time?

We're planning a trip to Germany, the Netherlands and possibly Brugge. We were planning on taking the train from Cologne to Brugge on Thursday afternoon and taking the train from Brugge to Amsterdam on Saturday late morning, giving us 2-half days and one full day in Brugge.

But, travel from Cologne to Brugge is about 3.5 hours and travel from Brugge to Amsterdam is about 3.5 hours so we'd have about 7 hours (give or take an hour) of travel time to spend less than 2 days in Brugge.

So, do you think it is worth the time? We're probably going to spend 10 or 11 nights in Europe and want to make the most of our trip. Any advice or suggestions? TIA!

~Heather in beautiful Akron, Ohio

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12 posts

Well, we hadn't planned on packing too much in. I wanted to hike to the top of the Belfry, my husband wanted to tour the Brewery and I figured we'd spend the rest of the time taking in the sights (churches, etc). We're not interested in lace but love chocolate. We thought about riding bikes and taking a canal tour but we'll also be doing that in Amsterdam.

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12 posts

I've read that section quite a bit trying to make a decision and I'm still torn! :) I've heard so many great things about Brugge but worry about losing so much sight-seeing time with the travel time it would take to get there. I appreciate all your help!

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4555 posts won't regret spending the time in Bruges. You're so close, it would be a crime to miss such a perfectly-preserved 17th century town :). Of course, it depends on whatever other destinations you may be considering, but since it's almost on the way, go for it! If you want to get a running start on Amsterdam, maybe consider spending only one night in Bruges, then taking one of the late-day trains into Amsterdam. There are 2 trains/hour between the two cities. The last leaves at 8:30 pm, getting into Amsterdam around midnight

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2023 posts

Brugge is one of my favorite places in Europe. It is a beautiful and charming little town that is totally walkable (also nice for biking). We loved walking the tiny sidestreets, doing the canal ride, visiting the churches, etc. There are some small and interesting museums off the beaten path--Lace Museum, Cat Museum, and Beguinage near Minnewater Park. There are three windmills and one is open for visits. We had great meals and lots of chocolate. And, there is the bell tower to climb and another poster omitted the Memling Museum which is probably the most famous one.

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4132 posts

Cologne - Amsterdam would be 2-1/2 hours, so you are really asking if it's worth spending an extra 4-1/2 hours on the train to see Brugge.

Personally I'd say, yes, as long as you will spend as much time as you say. Not a lot, but enough to make it worthwhile.

Brugge is friendly, interesting, and delicious.

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12040 posts

"Brugge is friendly, interesting, and delicious."

I don't know if I've ever heard a city described so simply yet so dead-on accurate.

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508 posts

Heather - We spent 2 nights in Brugge last year between London and Amsterdam and it was perfect. We didn't make the brewery tour (get there early as they fill up - even off season) but we did do a canal cruise and wander the town popping into museums and churches along the way. I thought the canal cruise gave a very different perspective of the town and wasn't the same as in Amsterdam. I'm glad we did both. Have fun!

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1170 posts

I loved that town very much except for the place we stopped to have a beer and snacks. The price on the menu was very different from the final bill. When we asked why the prices were different, we were told by a very rude owner that it was her place and she could charge whatever she wanted! A major turn off. Be sure to check prices before purchasing anything in the cafes.

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12 posts

Well, I discussed everything with my husband and at this point, Brugge sounds like something not to be missed. Also, while I was regarding the train ride as a waste of sight-seeing time, I'm now thinking of how nice it will be to sit back and relax a little, watching the country pass by.

Thanks so much for all your responses! I'm so excited about our upcoming trip!

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12 posts

I also wanted to add that I'd been told that Brugge was known for expensive lodging but with my research of the Rick Steves recommendations, I've been able to find plenty of nice accomodations with good reviews on TripAdvisor for less than E100/night for a double.

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2 posts


You will not be disappointed in Brugge. I am going in June for the second time. The first was a jaunt across Europe w/my daughter and now w/my wife. I'm even staying at the same B&B (email me if you want the name). I'm looking forward to taking a bike ride this time along the canal to Damm.
