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Bruges in Christmas good idea?

I'm just wrapping a week in England and I fly back home to the states next Sunday the 28th. I need help finding out where to go for the following week! I have been to Spain, Italy, France, and Scotland before and I was considering going to Bruges (basically, I don't want to go to a country I've been to before) but I thought I read that its mostly closed on Sunday and Monday. I'd hate to think that I'd arrive Sunday and not have a hot meal until Tuesday!). I must leave London Sunday because I've already been here a week, but should I stay another night and not leave and arrive in Belgium until Monday? I have from the 21st-27th to travel so 1 or 2 cities (within the same country or 2 cities dif countries closeby) would be ideal. I want to take advantage of spending Christmas in Europe, but I don't want to be stuck somewhere like England where most things are closed Christmas and then Boxing day too. Any suggestions on 2 great cities to see now and not with closed business would be appreciated!

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10544 posts

Geez, I hope Bruges won't be "closed" on Sunday and Monday. We arrive on Saturday the 27th (a week from today) and leave for Paris on Monday the 29th. Our only full day there will be on a Sunday. I will be anxious to see the replies to your post. Are you traveling alone? I made our lodging arrangements for 3 people last Spring and found difficulties finding a place for us. I'm sure that having 3 people complicated my search, but I did find that some of the smaller places were either closed for the holidays or were booked up already. That said, I'm sure that Bruges will be fantastic! Good luck.

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40 posts

I spent 4 days in Bruge in October and they are not closed on Sunday and Monday. Some of the sites might be check on the bruge website. Christmas there would be fabulous I loved it there. We stayed at the royal stewart b&b and Maggie was wonderful, treated us just like family. Walked us to an internet cafe so we wouldn't get lost and treat me son like her grandson. It was the best experience and only 69 euros for a large room with 2 twin beds and a small sitting area and bathroom in the room. loved it. can't say enough good about the royal stewart


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10544 posts

We are in Paris now, but spent 12/27 - 12/29 in Bruges. It was beautiful, but VERY cold and VERY crowded. The Christmas Market was still going on. I can't imagine it could be any more crowded in the summertime. I would imagine that after the Christmas Markets are closed the crowds will die down a little. It was not closed, that's for sure!