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Bruges, Antwerp, or just stay in Brussels

Hi! I'm traveling to Italy in July with a 2-day stopover in Belgium. I land in Brussels around 8AM and am going to spend the night there because my boyfriend gets in on the same flight the next morning and we'll spend the day in the city. However, I'm not sure if I should stay in Brussels the first day or take a day trip. When I was on a high school trip to France about 15 years ago, we went to Belgium and spent a day in Bruges and I remember loving it, but I don't remember any specific reasons, just that it was pretty and walkable and we got great food (and lace?). I have also been looking into visiting Antwerp. I'd like suggestions of whether I should spend a day in Antwerp (does one day in Antwerp trump having a second day in Brussels?) or Bruges (somewhat less inclined since the train is $60 and I'd have to spend about 3 hours traveling that day there/back), or if there is enough to do for 2 days in Brussels and I should just stay there and soak it all in. Thanks!

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635 posts

Having gone to Brussels a number of times on business, I say it's the least interesting of any capital city in Europe that I've visited. For a one day visit I'd suggest walking the Grand Platz and find the city's "claim to fame" which is a statue of a boy taking a leak. I've been told there's now also a girl doing the same but I've never seen it. Outside of town you can visit the Waterloo battlefield. That's pretty much it IMHO. Others may pop in and wax poetic but I would only recommend going to Brussels if it is necessary to change trains or planes. I've been to Antwerp but it was also for work. I didn't have any free time to look around but it's more of a modern, industrial city. I don't know what there may be to see there. I would definitely recommend Bruges. If you are trapped in Belguim, I'd suggest you skip Brussels and spend the night in Bruges.

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2193 posts

I would recommend spending your arrival day in Brussels. You can experience a great deal in a full day there, and you won't have any additional traveling after a long flight. I don't think you need more than a full day there to see all the highlights, although it's a great city and you could easily find cool things to do for a couple of days if you wanted to. However, if your boyfriend is up for traveling after his arrival on that second day, definitely consider Antwerp or even Ghent as a daytrip. Ghent is a little closer if that makes any difference. Both are cool and have a lot to offer. Your interests will play into this, too. Ghent is a university town...lots of stuff for younger people who dig a university scene. Antwerp has become a place for fashion, cool bistros, and has sort of a bohemian vibe in areas. Do a little research on these two cities. Bruges is great, but you've already been there, and it's not a place for hipsters (not even sure if that matters to you or not). Definitely on the A list, though...just depends on what you like.

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10 posts

Thanks! I will look into Ghent for the first day, heading back to Brussels at night. On day two, we both need to be back at the Brussels airport by like 5:30PM for our evening flight to Florence, so I'd like to wake up in Brussels so the BF can take the train to meet me and just explore the city that day. We will only have from about 9AM-5PM to hang out once all traveling is said and done, so I think if the two of us use the day for Brussels, that would make the most sense, timewise. We mostly want to eat frites and chocolate, drink beer, and walk around the city a bit, so I feel like we wouldn't get too bored doing that for 8 hours! :)

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12040 posts

Brussels isn't the most immediately charming city, but it's got a lot of cool stuff if you look. Given your tight time frame, perhaps we can make some recommendations, depending on your interests.

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10 posts

Wow, you have all been so helpful :) Right now, I am leaning toward a day in Ghent. For the second day, I think we could start with breakfast, spend an hour or so at the Magritte museum, and walk around until having a late lunch at about 4 before heading to the airport. Is the chocolate museum worth visiting? Or is it better to just visit the shops and buy some to sample? If you were to do a chocolate shop bar crawl, which would you pick? That's the kind of thing we have in mind, walking around for 4 hours or so to take in the ambiance and snacking as we walk. Also, are there any historic/typical Belgian pubs/breweries you'd recommend? Walking distance from the Grand Place is preferable. Trying to avoid anything that is super touristy, though, so I don't know if that is possible in that neighborhood.
We'd like relatively casual, inexpensive authentic Belgian food for our meal before we leave the city, (I don't eat mussels, but I know he wants to try). If you have any recommendations, that would be great! Near any of the train stations that are on the airport line would be the best. Thanks so much :)

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33183 posts

Where did you come up with $60? Brussel-Zuid to Brugge is only €13.50 each way...

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10 posts

The round trip ticket from the airport was 34 Euro (though it would be a tiny bit cheaper bc I'd be returning to Brussels not the airport), so I doubled and subtracted a little as an estimate. Good that it was high! Looks like it would still be $42, which is still more than I'd like to spend on travel for a day trip if I can avoid it.