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BREAKING: Smoking in Bavaria

The German state of Bavaria today held a referendum on banning smoking in bars, restaurants, beer tents etc. So far there has not been a clear regulation. Some bars called themselves "Smokers' Lounges" and were able to allow smoking and also in beer tents smoking was allowed. The gastronomy sector, however, wanted a clear law/regulation that either says yes or no to indoor smoking. The result is: 61% of Bavarians are in favor of a complete smoking ban from any kind of bar, restaurant, beer tent etc.

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1446 posts

When Italy banned smoking, both my husband and I were sceptical that the law would be respected. Well, in the last two trips to Italy, we found widespread adoption of the ban. I think that, given the chance, the majority of people everywhere prefer non-smoking public spaces, but need the weight of the law behind them to "clear the air".

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873 posts

That's good to hear. One of the few things I have been dreading about my trip is dealing with cigarette smoke (we're spoiled up here in green Seattle).