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Breakfast in Barcelona

Is it easier and more economical to take the breakfast buffet at your hotel or is it easy to find a cheap and fast breakfast on the Ramblas?

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172 posts

Much easier to find a cheap and fast breakfast on the Ramblas. Go to the Boqueria Market for a great experiance. You can see pictures and get details of our trip at our personal blog at:

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239 posts

We had breakfast at La Boqueria or a cafe every morning. Rick recommends Pinoxto (not sure of the spelling) in his book. It is a small stall close to the front on the right with cheap and tasty breakfast. We also came across a number of cafes in the Bari Gotic with coffee and breakfast food.

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586 posts

We've always found the hotel breakfasts just a bit quicker and easier, as we start a day of site-seeing. But for a chance to connect with locals, obviously, cafes out of hotels are the best bet. And Starbucks' coffee is everywhere, for a little taste of home!

PS: Know I'm going to get hammered for eating breakfast at Starbucks in Espana, but what can I say--we all have our addictions!

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239 posts

Gio, Must say we hit Starbucks everywhere we go in Europe...we know we love the lattes!! Then we go to a cafe for breakfast:) We are even worse, we also hit the McCafes at McDonalds too!

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206 posts

If the breakfast is included in the price of your room, have it at the hotel. However, if it's a separate charge, usually around 8-10 euros, we have found we can have breakfast elsewhere a whole lot cheaper.