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Braustuberl Tegernsee

I'm trying to make sense of the following (regarding getting to this beer garden from Munich). Any input would be most appreciated as which is the cheapest way to get to Tegernsee? BOB operates trains from Munich Hauptbahnhof direct to Tegernsee. If one already has an MVV Tageskarte or equivalent (whatever that is) the cost of the ride to Holzkirchen is covered. You then pay the difference from Holzkirchen to Tegernsee, around 5 Euro each way. or If one doesn't like the hassle with catching a train on the DB side of the Hauptbahnhof take the S-Bahn 2 line using the MVV ticket directly to Holzkirchen and get off. Then buy a round trip ticket from there to Tegernsee via BOB.

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25 posts

Hi Jerry, I was trying to figure out the same thing for my upcoming trip in May. It sounds complicated and confusing to get to so I have decided to skip Tagernsee and head to Starnberger See which is directly on the S6 and also has biergartens. And if you REALLY want to try the Tagernsee beer I believe they serve it at the Hirschgarten. Prost!

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331 posts

If the train from Munich HBF goes direct to Tegernsee then this is the alternative I would pick. If your Tageskarte only gets you to Holzkirchen you should be able to buy a ticket for the remainder of the journey to Tegernsee at Munich station before you set off. It can't be too difficult as Tegernsee is a popular day trip destination for Muncheners. I can't see there would be that much difference in price and the direct train is less hassle.

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4412 posts

Yeah, I'm with Shoni - I'd just pay the €10,70 each way on DB...and I'm a bit stingy...esp. if I already have a tageskarte... You have to worry about getting from the S-bahn in Holzkirchen to BOB, and then the timing/correspondance issue; I looked at S-bahn b/n Munich and Holzkirchen, THEN BOB from Holzkirchen to Tegernsee...yuck. I'm just gonna pay the extra €5,40 and ride NON-STOP (!) b/n Munich and Tegernsee...and think about ballonfahrten... When is your trip? I remember answering your post (and if I didn't mention Tegernsee first, I definitely mentioned it second!). I expect a complete beer report ;-)

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19240 posts

I'm not sure this is the least expensive way, but a Bayern-Ticket for €21 single or €29 2-5 would get you from anywhere in Bavaria to anywhere, i.e., from Munich to Tegernsee. Are you already going to have an MVV Tageskarte (like to get to the Bahnhof?) This is the website of BOB (Bayerische Oberlandbahn). This broshure gives the fare matrix of BOB. A BOB adult one way fare from Munich Hbf to Tegernsee is €11,-. And, yes, if you already have an MVV ticket from Munich to Holzkirchen, a BOB ticket (Einzelfahrschein) for €5,10 will cover you to Tegernsee. If you can, come out from Munich on a regional train (fewer stop than the S-Bahn). All routes are included with the same ticket. The train station in Holzkirchen is pretty simple, one track each direction as I remember. The regional train from Munich breaks into two sections. The front goes on to Schliersee and Bayerischzell; the back half goes to Tegernsee and Bad Tölz with that train spliting again around Schaftlach with part going to Bad Tölz/Lenggries and part to Tegense/Gmund.

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296 posts

I read the book (The Beer Drinkers Guide to Munich by Larry Hawthorne) and his respective ratings. This beer garden was 5 star so I figured why not when we're there in May. His book looked at both routes but never rendered an opinion on which way is best so I figured I'd ask the real experts here and they responded in their excellent manner once again. He made it sound like this garden is frequented by German residents only because no tourists are aware of it? Well, we'll get there eventually. THANKS once again.

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19240 posts

MVV is the initials for Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund, which is the Munich "metro". A Tageskarte is a day ticket, essentially an all day pass for all the transport (S-/U-Bahn, Trams, and buses in particular zones of the MVV). A Tageskarte costs about the same as a round trip within the zone(s) so any more than that and it pays for itself. Tageskarten are sold as a Single Tageskarte (one person) or a Partner Tageskarte (up to 5). There is a Tageskarte (€5,40/9,80) for the inner zone (Innenraum), including almost every tourist site, München XXL (€7,30/12,80), inner 2 zones, which includes transit to Dachau, and all zones (Gesamtnetz, €10,80/19,60). A Gesamtnetz Tageskarte would get you to Holzkirchen. You'd need a BOB ticket from there.

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296 posts

Lee thanks a lot. You really summarized that one for us now didn't you? The more I read regarding trains and prices the further backwards I go in trying to figure things out. The "help" folks at the stations (whatever their titles are I forgot) in the glass encased booths are of great help but the lines to see them are usually very long.

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296 posts

Lee..I think your first comment, Bayern-Ticket €29 (2-5), for the two of us is the best price.

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19240 posts

This really depends on a couple of things, like what travel you are doing by MVV before going to Tegernsee and where you are originating. It might be different if you are staying across the street from the Hbf vs. the Marriott or touring around Munich until 4 PM vs going out first thing in the morning. Are you planning on making this a day trip, or are you spending the night in Tegernsee? If this is a day trip (ie, RT in a day) you would be better off using a Bayern-Ticket. But remember, on work days you cannot start using the Bayern-Ticket until after 9 AM. BTW, about a year ago, they shuffled the S-Bahn line numbers to make room for doubling up on the line part way to Ebersberg. The line to Holzkirchen is now S3.

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4412 posts

And yesterday on the MVV site, I saw a notice for the NEW 2011 Transportation Map! Boy, they sure like to keep things hoppin' around there, don't they?!? ALWAYS check the website for the LATEST info on the lines...some merge with others, some have disapperaed altogether, other times they just slide around a bit. Never thought I'd say this, but perhaps there's too much beer drinking going on...;-) I know Tegernsee gets "5 mugs", so I'm bummed we'll have to miss it on our next trip. We're staying in Andechs for Oktoberfest, so in addition to having our mugs and tummies full for those days the transportation just doesn't work out all that well... Guess I'll 'have' to be happy with Andechs, Augustiner/Salzburg, and Oktoberfest, plus any other mischief we can get into in Munich proper... I want that beer report ;-)

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19240 posts

I don't know if you understood the above post, but there is also an MVV-BOB-Ticket which is a Tageskarte for the inner zone of MVV and the BOB network (Holzkirchen to Lenggries, Tegernsee, and Bayerischzell), plus either regional trains or the S3 between Taufkirchen (end of inner zone) and Holzkirchen. Price for up to 5 travelers is €23. It's a little more limited than the Bayern-Ticket, but probably covers all the trains you're interested in.

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296 posts

So you think the 23 E would do it for a day trip for 2? That would work. But I must say I'm more confused than ever now. Boy, this could be made much simpler could it not???