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Birthday cards in Paris?

A couple years ago my wife and I were in Italy during my brother's birthday. I thought it would a cool idea if I bought the card in Italy (written in Italian, of course) and mailed the card from there. Problem was, they didn't have birthday cards in Italy. In fact, when I tried to describe what I was looking for to the locals, no one knew what the heck I was talking about (I speak fluent Italian, so it wasn't a communication problem). Next month we'll be in Paris over my father's birtday and I'd like to try to do what I failed to do in Italy - I'd like to buy a french birthday card and mail it from Paris. So I don't run into the same problem, does anyone know if they do the birthday card thing in France?

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11513 posts

Yes they have birthday cards, have been sent them from France for last 50 years.. Bon Anniversaire...! I didn't know they don't do them in Italy, thats interesting!

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9110 posts

Not sure if they do greeting cards in France, but the gift shops at the big museums should have very classy general purpose type cards for sale.

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53 posts

I have purchased birthday (also Easter and Christmas) cards in France at stationary stores or in the stationary section of the large department stores.

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27 posts

Thanks! Yes, I figured I could send a postcard or something as a back up, but I'd really like to send an actual birthday card if possible. After all, a postcard is not as special, and people more or less expect to get one anyway.

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10422 posts

Yes, you can find French birthday cards (some even made by Hallmark!) as mentioned already in the stationery section of BHV (Bazaar de l'Hotel de Ville, just above the metro stop Hotel de Ville on metro lines 1 and 11), or a big Monoprix.

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9436 posts

I've been to malls and towns in France that have whole stores just for greeting cards, including birthday cards, just like here. I've sent bday cards from France, Charlie Brown & Snoopy ones in French, it's fun.

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893 posts

You can find them at a paper store (papeterie), some book stores (librarie) or if you go to a big grocery store like Carrefour, you'll find a "carterie" section with birthday cards.