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Birkenstocks in Munich

Anyone know of a good place to get Birks in Munich? And are they cheaper than in the States? Thanks!

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12040 posts

I'm going to make an assumption. Clothes and shoes are usually much more expensive in Europe, so yes, Birkenstocks are probably cheaper in the US.

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9145 posts

There is an outlet store someplace here in Germany that all the Americans go to, but I am not sure where it is. Check on line. Usually though, yes, they will cost more due to the fact that there is a 19% sales tax on everything. If you spend enough money though, you can get that VAT back.

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135 posts

There is a shoe mail order house with a shop in Munich (where you can pick the shoes up) that carries Birkenstocks. Their website is in English and is

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10544 posts

My sister bought some birks at a place across from the train station in Munich. I can't remember the name of the place but you can see the signs on the window.