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Bike tour in Provence

My friend and I are considering a bike trip in France. We are particularly interested in Provence although we are open. What I am most looking for input about right now is if anyone can recommend any bike tour companies. We are still undecided about going the guided vs self-guided route. I did a quick search on the internet and found a few. Of course, recommendations are always helpful so that is why I am posting here. Thanks!

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272 posts

thanks everyone! if DuVine is more than Vermont then that definitely won't be for us! Will check the other one mentioned too. Thanks so much. This board is the best!

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17244 posts

VBT (Vermont Bicycle Tours) is highly regarded for their well planned and moderately priced tours, both in North America and abroad. They have a 12- day tour of Provence, and lots of other options. I haven't used them personally, but friends who have recommended them highly.

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719 posts

I have friends who've used VBT in Tuscany, and loved it. They're worth looking into.
Incidentally, I've biked in Burgundy and Provence, and I preferred Burgundy, hands down. If you're not into wine, disregard my opinion, though ;-)

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272 posts

Thanks for the tip on VBT! I just went online to read more. Looks good. Noticed they don't have a self-guided option which is something we may be interested in (due to reduced cost). Any other suggestions are appreciated! Thanks

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17244 posts

DuVine offers self-guided tours and I have hear god things about them. but I see their 6-day Provence tours costs more than VBT's 10-day one. I have some brochures from other companies at home which I will check and report later.

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272 posts

Lola - I checked out the Radonnee site and really like it. I already emailed them with some questions and they got back to me in less than 24 hours. I am really like it so far and have encouraged my travel companion to check out the site too. It's looking good. Curtis - thanks for the tip. Will check it out b/c it sounds like you had a great deal.
As always, appreciate the replies and tips this site provides.

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9 posts

I have done 2 trips in Austria, 1 in Germany, just recently as this fall of 2011, and I realize you asked about Provence. I used the tourist info board from Linz, Austria, there actual site is in German but have a simplified english version, They do a number of tours in different countries. They were fantastic self guided trips for a fraction, and I mean a fraction, of what American tours charge. I mean like $650 US for 8 nights even with the poor exchange rate. Our hotels were 3-4 stars, great hybrid KTM bikes and included some train and ferry tix. They have been incredible values.
When I saw what VBT, Backroads etc charges, well, my advice is use a company over there or the local tourist board. Unless you insist on having a guide. I will do another one next fall in a different country.

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17244 posts

Christy, I always hesitate to suggest a company when I have no personal or even ssecond-hand experience, but I liked the Randonnee website enough that I would contact them myself if I were planning a cycling trip in France. As Curtis mentions, one can find inexpensive tourist-office sponsered self-guided tours in Austria and Germany (and also in Switzerland). But I have not seen anything similar for France.

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111 posts

Hello Christy - My wife and used Discover France ( on a self-guided bike tour through Provence in 2005. This was the second time we had booked with them, the previous was in the Loire Valley. Both tours were wonderful and I would definitely recommend this Company, which is based out of Scottsdale, AZ. The Provence tour included Avignon, Arles, Uzes, and Nimes and was 8 nights and 7 days. Roman aqueducts, ruins and vineyards were the highlights. We've now done 5 self-guided tours (3 in Italy), and to me, it's the only way to see the country and learn the culture. You are much more involved with the locals, and you also are brought closer to your partner as you bike across the countryside with only a map and written directions. We've had unbelievable experiences with French people helping us on our way.
Don't be intimated by going it alone and without a tour guide. Discover France will give you all the tools (bike, maps, hotel reservations, restaurant recommendations, places to visit) to make it memorable.

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175 posts

Since it sounds like budget is a consideration, and you said you're open to destinations outside of Provence, I'll mention this that I've come across in my research (no first hand knowledge, sorry!). In Brittany, a British couple runs Breton Bikes ( and it seems extremely affordable. They have a variety of options (including hotels, campsites, fixed-center, various skill levels, etc), and all are self-guided, save one annual guided trip. I personally can't wait to try them out, though I have no idea when we'll be able to. Has anyone here used them?

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272 posts

As always, I am so appreciative of the replies on this board. I love the RS community! Thanks all and will look into these other options I just saw posted since my last log-on. Thanks!

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17244 posts

Here' another one that does self-guided tours in France:www.trip It is a small, new company. Prices are around 100 euros per person per day.