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Bike renting at Murren, Switzerland

i'll be going from Paris to the Swiss Alps by train as early in the day as possible (there's a train that leaves 8:23, arrives 14:25), and i'd like to use this "half" day in the alps as best as i can. i thought about hiring a bike in murren and do a light ride like rick did in his alps video, renting a bike at murren, going down and taking the lift up. but i can't seem to find any info on opening hours for the shops so i don't know how late they stay open. arriving at 14h25, by what time do you think i would be able to be at the murren bike shop after getting off the train and checking in a lauterbrunnen hotel? i'm still not sure which hotel it will be, but the area is not so big i think. and how much time would i have before returning the bike? i'd like to use it for the rest of the daylight (consider i'll be there in mid may on a saturday). i have a couple of other questions: - other than this half day i'll have 2 full days at my disposal. i want to reserve 1 day for hiking and going to the top of the cliffs. how should i use the other day (if the weather is good)? - how is the snow in the top of the cliffs in mid may? are they covered and pretty? thank you

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3259 posts

If you arrive in Lauterbrunnen and go check in to your hotel, you will take a later cable car and train up to get to Murren. Check the schedule. You probably won't get to the bike rental place until 16:00 or so. Maybe rent the bike for 24 hours so you don't have to return it untilnthe next day?

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40 posts

I will be in Murren in mid-May as well. I asked my hotelier about the snow situation a few weeks ago and she said they had received a lot of snow this year and were expecting more. I'm hoping that will translate into a lot more snow in the higher elevations than was present when I was in Murren in October.

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3941 posts

We did the 'Rick Steves' kinda mtn bike rental - fr the same guy! (lol - who is fr Canada!)..we were there late Sept (the bikes were all stored away, but he got us out 2)...we rented the bike after eating lunch - prob around noon-1pm...(BTW - Murren was pretty dead in late Sept - but Beautiful!)..and unfortunately, my husband got the fellow to show us a diff route which ended up going down a very steep rocky/dirt/paved road instead of a nice gentle paved one...and I haven't been on a bike for ages - one header over the front of the bike and some spectacular bruises later(for me), we got to the bottom, did Trummelbach falls, took the lifts back up and just barely made it by the time he closed at 5pm...we did have the option, for an extra charge, of leaving them in Lauterbrunnen and having someone take them back (if we weren't going to be back by the time he closed)...I can't rem the shop tho - he was one of the few open, and also sold clothing and such...will pick hubby's brain/see if I can't find a receipt to give you his name...

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40 posts

there was little snow in october? that's so disappointing. isn't may an even warmer month? i could also rent the bike in one of the full days. but then i'm not sure how to properly use the half day. any suggestions? maybe just do some light touring walking and seeing the landscapes? thanks

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1521 posts

Fraulein, My son and husband did the bike ride down from Lauterbrunnen, but rented the bikes at the rental shop in Lauterbrunnen. I think you would really be pushing it trying to do that ride. you could rent a bike and ride through the valley from Lauterbrunnen to Schtechlberg and back. We have been to the area before in early June and there was still a little snow on some of the trails. One other way you could spend that 1/3 day might be to ride the train up to Wengen, take the lift up to Mannlichen then hike 1 1/2 hours to Klein Scheidegg, and then ride the train back down to Lauterbrunnen. Before doing this you should inquire if the path is open, and I believe the last train leaves Klein Scheidegg at 6:30, but you should also confirm this. Do you have a copy of Rick's Switzerland book? If not I would highly recommend it!

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17244 posts

Jill's suggestion to walk up at Männlichen is generally a good one, but not for mid-may. the cablecar up does not open until 26 May, and then only for 2 days, closing until 2 June when it opens for the summer. One could, however, take the train up to Kleine Scheidegg and walk an out-and-back along the ridge trail if snow does not block the way.

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40 posts

In October there was plenty of snow up on tallest peaks but nothing lower. The big difference in May is that the snow has not had all summer to melt. I'm not looking for snow in Murren, but I would like to see it at Piz Gloria.